Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Leaving Students 2017

Remember to take the content from your Google Drive that you want to keep. You will have access to your school account only until July 31st, 2017.

Google Takeout and Google Transfer

Google Takeout archives all your Google content and download it to your computer in a zip file. This file can be uploaded to another device, hard drive or Google Account.

Google Transfer transfers your Google Mail and Google Drive content to another Google account. In your mail there will be a folder with your old email address. In Google Drive all your transferred files will be placed in a folder labelled with your old Google email address.
Transfer will transfer any file in your drive (that you own) whether it is a Google file (Docs, sheets, slides etc) or not (Word docs, pictures etc.)

Important to remember: Your school Google Drive capacity is unlimited but you personal Google Drive is only 15 Gb. You may have to consider deleting content or buying more storage from Google.

Detailed overview of Google Takeout

If you have any questions, contact the DLCs at dlc@seoulforeign.org

Monday, May 8, 2017

Faculty Leaving SFS 2017

The sessions for leaving faculty took place over the first two Mondays of May. The presentations and links are below.

Remember to return your device to IT when you leave SFS. Be aware that you need to return the device with the power adapter and cord that came with the device (especially the iPad as different models have different volt adapters, newer iPads 12v, older iPads 10v)

Also remember to check in with IT if you bought a phone and a plan through SFS. There may be contracts to pay off.

Three areas were covered.

1. Transferring Pagoda (PowerSchoolLearning) content to a personal (free) PowerSchool Learning account. From here you can transfer five classes and add up to 375 students!

To turn off the music click the forward arrow in the presentation

Link to creating a personal PowerLearning account: https://www.myhaikuclass.com/do/account/login

2. Google Takeout and Google Transfer

Google Takeout archives all your Google content and download it to your computer in a zip file. This file can be uploaded to another device, hard drive or Google Account.

Google Transfer transfers your Google Mail and Google Drive content to another Google account. In your mail there will be a folder with your old email address. In Google Drive all your transferred files will be placed in a folder labelled with your old Google email address.
Transfer will transfer any file in your drive (that you own) whether it is a Google file (Docs, sheets, slides etc) or not (Word docs, pictures etc.)

Detailed overview of Google Takeout

3. Backing Up

Options for taking files from your school laptop and iPad are covered in this presentation below.

If you have any questions, contact the DLCs at dlc@seoulforeign.org