Wednesday, May 15, 2019

10 Great movies emphasising STEM Skills

Apple Teacher Resources

Learn. Earn. Get inspired.
Explore more than 75 new learning resources to help you master key iPad features and apps. You’ll discover hands-on tutorials that make it easy to learn new skills and earn your badges. Find fresh ideas that you can apply in your own lessons and daily workflows. And get inspiration to take your teaching further, no matter where you are on your Apple Teacher journey.
Add drawings in Keynote.
Visualise data in Numbers.
Bring photos to life in iMovie.
Create flyers and posters in Pages.

Google for Education Teacher Center

Here is a great resource for teachers with training sessions on specific apps as well as certification opportunities to become a Google Certified Educator.

Monday, May 6, 2019

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence

"If you’re a gamer, you’ll already be familiar with some of the benefits of AI. No longer are ‘CPU players’ dumb, but actually play a lot like human players. That means with no unfair advantages programmed in by the designers of the game, the AI can work out strategies to defeat opponents. "

Another excellent post from Doug Belshaw's blog.

Read the full blog post

Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Let’s not force children to define their future selves through the lens of ‘work’

An excellent post on Doug Belshaw's blog explaining why asking children what they want to be when they grow up is a rubbish questions.

"The jobs I’ve had over the last decade didn’t really exist when I was a child, so it would have been impossible to point to them. Let’s encourage children to think of the ways they can think and act to change the world for the better – not how they’re going to pay the bills to enable themselves to do so."

Lego digger

full blog article