Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Children to Parents: - "Don't Post About Me!"

“I really don’t like it when my parents post pictures of me on their social media accounts, especially after finding out that some of my friends follow them ... " Maisy Hoffman, 14,

In a recent article the New York Times reported on a growing dichotomy between children and their parents on social media usage.  The surprising finding is that children are concerned with what their parents are posting online and parents are less so.  It's an article that raises serious food for thought ... Check it out!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spice Up Your Lessons With Comic Life

Comic Life is an awesome piece of software with many different possibilities.

On their blog, Plasq show some great uses of Comic Life across the curriculum.  Check it out.  Some of the entries include:

  • collaborative digital graphic writing for history or science
  • book reports
  • health
  • report writing
  • journal writing

We have a school wide site license for Comic Life 2, so if you are interested in using it, let the DLCs know.  We can help you with great ideas in your classroom, installation and support!

Monday, March 14, 2016

#TechTuesday Session: My Maps and Google Cardboard

The screencast below covers the basics of the Tech Tuesday session. (7:45 min)

Links for My Maps

Jim Sill, one of the EdTech Team that presented at the GAFE Summit, 2016 has an excellent page on My Maps including resources for teachers to use in the classroom.

Information on Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard is an inexpensive way to experience virtual reality (VR). All you need is the Google Cardboard + Smartphone + VR app (roller coaster, moon walk, street view to name a few).

The Cardboard with Google Street View app allows you to explore many locations around the world. Take your students to Paris or Pompeii without the cost (or stress!).

The DLCs have seven Google Cardboard devices available for teachers to use. They come in two sizes. We have Three Cardboards that are the larger size (for iPhone 6+, and Galaxy) and four Cardboards that are the  smaller size (for regular sized Apple and Android phones).

Try out some of these apps with the Google Cardboard (Cardboards are available to borrow from the DLC Office).

Google Cardboard can be purchased through Amazon for prices ranging from $5 - $19+ each.
The DLC Team purchased them locally from GMarket. They cost us 3900 KRW each. They work pretty well.

presented by Molly Schroeder @ GAFE Summit, SFS,  2016

Creating Custom Content For Student Keyboarding

Sometimes we wonder what to do with students who have finished typing lessons.  Does this mean they don't need further practice?  On the contrary, until they are typing with fluency at at least 50 wpm, they need to keep building their skills.  Creating custom lessons is a fun easy way to do this.  You can even use material that relates to your current topics.

Creating Custom Content

Assigning Custom Content to Students
For students to access the content that you have built, you need to assign it to a grade level profile. Here's how you can do that.

Printing Certificates
There are some great certificates that are easy to print for your students who have reached the end of their basic keyboarding.  See the screen shot below.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Troubleshooting AirDrop

Airdrop is a fantastic tool for transferring files between Apple devices - when it works!
Here are some helpful troubleshooting tips.

image: www.idownloadblog.com

Today's Meet - with password protected rooms

Password-Protected Rooms are here!

I'm so excited to introduce Password Protected Rooms. This is a feature I've wanted for TodaysMeet—as have many of you—since the very beginning, and it means so much that it's finally here. Room Passwords provide a whole new set of classrooms with much-needed privacy and accountability options.
Room Passwords are part of Teacher Tools. Not a subscriber? Become one today! Or read on for more announcements.
Using Room Passwords is as easy as 1-2-3:

Create a Room Password
Share a link to the room
Share the password when you're ready to get started
You can add, remove, or change a Room Password at any time—adding or changing it will kick everyone out of the room until they enter the new password.
Read more on the blog or try out Room Passwords right now!

Improved Transcripts

Two changes to transcripts will benefit TodaysMeet users.

Transcripts now include the Topic for the room up at the top. The Topic provides important context and it will be visible whenever the Transcript is shared, printed, or saved.

Room owners also have a new option to show deleted messages in Transcripts—including anything said by Muted users. When looking at the transcript, you can flip deleted messages on and off with one click!
Only the organizer of the room can see the deleted messages.

Updated Home Page

The homepage got some much-needed improvements that make it easier to use. Now, to see details, find links, or change options, click or tap on the dots next to the room name:
And you'll get the familiar Room Tools
Instead of a terse collection of icons, now there are clear text labels, and all the options are right in front of you. (Room Passwords will show up here for Teacher Tools subscribers, too!)

10 Trends in Education for 2016

CORE - Ed, is a respected organisation in New Zealand in the field of education. Each year they come up with a list of the trends that will be influential in Education in the near future.
They see this as a discussion piece rather than an accurate prediction.
Have a look at the trends in the diagram below and click on the link to their website to find out more.
