Monday, September 21, 2015

7 Super Google Add-ons for Teachers

Do you find yourself working with Google Docs Daily?
Do you want to increase your productivity with in Google Docs?
Do you want to do this for FREE? 

Here are 7 Super Google Add-ons that are DYN-O-MITE!

Enabling Google Add-ons for Google Drive is quite simple. View the video below that shows you how to unleash the power of Add-ons.

1. Workflows

As a teacher, do you ever need to collaborate or get agreement on a new document or procedure? Do you have to track a list of students to see if they have done something? Do you need to sign off on student's work? This Add-on is your answer. You could also have peer reviewers sign off on work and track it this way as well. Download Workflows here and see the video below on how Workflow operates.


2. EasyBib

Ever have students type an English paper and site their bibliography wrong? Do they ask you how to format sitings depending on the format of the paper they are writing in? Then have your students install the EasyBib Add-on here and see the video below on how EasyBib operates.

3. Mindmeister

Need to make quick mindmaps for a graphical depiction? Need to have students do the same? This Add-on is a fascinating way to convert a table of contents or outline for a paper into something visual. Mindmeister is a quick and easy way to get students to create a different take on organizing notes, thoughts, and processes. Have your students install the Mindmeister Add-on here and see the video below on how Mindmeister operates.

4. Template Gallery

Do you miss the standard Microsoft templates that you used in Office? Did you know that you can access those same templates from a Google Doc file? Did you know the SFS letterhead templates are saved here as well? Install the Template Gallery Add-on to have those templates right at the tips of your fingers again.  Install Template the Add-on here.

5. Kaizena

Have you ever been marking papers at home and wished that you could explain to a student exactly why they received the grade they did? Have you ever wanted to tell a student a piece of their writing was fabulous? The Kaizena App allows you to talk over Google Docs and give instant, precise feedback to a student, either vocally or written. You can download the Add-on here and see a brief video explaining Kaizena's functionality below.

6. Vextab Music Notation

Music teachers rejoice! (Cue the choir... hallelujah) This Doc Add-on lets you render standard music notation, drum notation, and guitar tablature in your documents using the VexTab notation language. You can find our more and download VexTab here.

7. Table of Contents

Ever work with a department to create a multipage document for a unit or a trimester of lessons? Have you spent time searching through the long document for a certain unit or chapter? The Table of Contents Add-on will save you tons of time as it creates a live table of contents on the right side of your screen that allows you to jump to different headings throughout a document. It truly is a timesaver. Download the Add-on here.

There you have it. Now at your next PLC meeting, you can share with your fellow colleagues some of these 7 Super Google Add-ons that will make their lives easier too. You might get the reaction below, but take the time to share an Add-on or two that made your day of teaching a little smoother!

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