Monday, May 9, 2016

SFS Guest Access to WiFi

It is with great excitement to announce that this past summer we upgraded our school wireless from N standard access points to AC standard.   Better speed and better signal range will provide our users with better performance.

Another difference from last year is that our system now allows you to access our network with your social network account.  Currently, accounts which can be used are Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft.

To connect, select "SFSGuest" from the list of WiFi networks

After your device connects, you will automatically be directed to the below page.  Notice in the image the social network buttons you will click to log in with your social network account.  
*It is highly recommended that if you don't have a social network account that one be created to gain easy access to our SFS Network.  Once you have entered your credentials you will be connected to our network.
An alternative option to gain access is to visit the SFS IT Office between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm to be provided a temporary username and password.

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