Friday, November 27, 2015

Troubleshooting the Beach Ball of Doom

Basically what it comes down to is this:

The beachball shows that your Mac is busy. Something is hogging its processing power (whether hardware or software)

The problem could be that your computer does not have enough RAM. They come with 4 Mb of RAM and this is usually enough but sometimes more is needed. This would be the reason IT suggested turning off your computer and then turning is back on (clear the RAM). Also if you have the beachball, only using the one application (a bit of a pain - I know)

A likely reason could be, your Hard Drive is nearly full so the computer is finding it hard to place files, slowing the process down. The article suggests that you have at least 10 Gb of free space on your computers hard drive - the one that is designated the start up disk. This gives the computer space to move files around and be more efficient.
To check how much disk space you have, do the following:
  • Go to Finder
  • Click on Hard Drive
  • Right-click the icon and select Get information  (This will tell you how much Hard drive space you have and how much is free.)
  • If you don't have a lot of space free, you will need to either move files to an external source (external hard drive or to the Cloud)
They also suggest adjusting your standby mode  in the Power Saving settings. It is hard for the computer to process data while the hard drive is still waking up. You may have this setting set too low causing your hard drive to spin down frequently.
The Power Saving setting can be found under the Apple icon (top left of your screen) in the System Preferences option of the dropdown menu.

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