Thursday, August 10, 2017

Helpful Tips and Resources For Parents on Managing Technology

We are often asked for help when parents are having challenges with their children in the area of managing technology.  We believe all technology management should start with sit down conversations as a family.  What do we want?  What do we think is reasonable?  What concerns do we have?  We have included some resources below to help with discussions and decisions, but any of these should be used in the context of a two way conversation!

1.  Negative Impact of Technology Near BedTime.

2.  Monitoring and Controlling Technology
  • This should start with use of parent controls ... particularly setting them for time limits so computer can't be accessed between certain hours.  This involves a sit down conversation with parents and their children as to what would be considered reasonable.  We can help parents set these in the office too.
  • Looking at History (bear in mind students often know how to use invisible browsing or delete history.  However, a warning sign to parents is if there is not a detailed history ...
  • Circle with Disney is one we are trying out.  Users like it because it gives them a great place for conversation starters and they can choose limits on specific software/apps.  Users report the apps are pretty easy to set up.  You can't buy it here, only in the USA.

Family Contracts
Some family rules about where and how technology is used is important.  Lots of families are using contracts.  There are many different types of these.  Here are some samples and resources:

Finally, in May we will be holding two screenings of Screenagers.  The plan is to not just watch the movie but have some discussion groups afterwards to help parents think through how they will manage technology in their families.  You may want to attend one of these nights.

As always, please contact any of the DLCs with any queries or concerns.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this valuable information! :)
